In Orthodoxy there is a tradition in their specific life needs or sorrows to pray to certain icons. This rule applies to those who wish to become pregnant or give birth on time and without problems.
Prayers which icons will help to get pregnant?

Among the icons of the mother of God there are those who believe the imminent assistants plea the conception and successful birth of a child. One of them is the Fedorov icon of the Mother of God. Clerics argue that it is not necessary to make a pilgrimage to the original, it is enough to use a reproduction or buy this image in the Church shop. You need to pray with faith in your heart and in a happy resolution of the problem, but do not forget that the will of God.
Another icon, which is considered miraculous and help in the request to have a child - the Albazin icon of the Theotokos, "the Word was made flesh". It is a Holy place of Primorye and the whole Far East. The virgin Mary depicted on it during chrevosechenie. Many believers pray before this icon for pregnant or turning to her with a request for assistance in the successful birth of a baby. Albazino the Image of the mother of God is not in any particular temple or Church, and moves around the country. For example, in 2010, he was in Khabarovsk, and since 2013 at the request of the clergy of the Chita region arrived in Chita.
Famous for aid in childbirth icon "Omegaelite Wives Chad roditi". This image is one of the oldest, it is the virgin Mary depicted with her hair and a baby in her arms. Special prayers to this icon there, so you need to refer to your Highness in your own words from the heart.
It is considered that the request for the conception can be directed to any icon of the virgin. There are special prayers that are easy to find in the Church books or the Internet. Certain words help to convey to the Patron their aspirations and hopes. There are many examples of the fact that after these cases the problem is quickly resolved in the most wonderful way.
Someone to pray for the birth of a child?

If help and mercy the fate of hope left, you can contact with molytinae a request to a specific conception of the Holy Ghost. One of the first assistants in this issue are the parents of the virgin - the prophet Zechariah and righteous Elizabeth. You can find many stories in which women tell us that after years of infertility they were able to give birth to a healthy baby because some time (often quite small) turned in prayer to these saints. Another helper such requests – Nicholas.