If trying to get pregnant, you turned to Feng Shui, conception probably does not occur for quite a long time. If you and your partner are healthy, maybe it's in a negative Feng Shui of your home. The first thing to do is to conduct a General cleaning of the home. It is necessary to clear the debris, throw out broken and simply unnecessary things, wipe dust everywhere. So you symbolically release in your life the place for everything new. If the dwelling needs repair, it's time to spend it, so you attract to the house of fresh energy.
In order to get pregnant according to Feng Shui, you need to remember the 8 sectors on the compass shares any dwelling in accordance with the directions. To correctly determine the direction, you need to stand with the compass in the center of the apartment and hence to divide the room into sectors. For the children, according to Feng Shui, meets the Western sector, it is necessary to give special value.
Finding West sector, you go to activate it. To get started is to bring perfect order by removing all unnecessary. The preferred color for this sector – white, keep this in mind if you plan to repair. To attract the active Yang energy in the Western sector should always be light, so take care of the lighting. Well activate sector of the candles, but only if they are often lit.
To attract energy in the right sector with the help of sounds. For a more popular in China bells – the music of the wind. Swaying from each draught, the bells will make a pleasant chime, harmonizing the energy space.
Children in Feng Shui is the fruit, so to activate the areas responsible for procreation, you can use fruit trees. For example, it is good to put in the Western sector of pomegranate or tangerine tree. If the living conditions of such plants there are enough paintings of fruit-bearing trees or still lifes with ripe beautiful fruit.
In order to get pregnant according to Feng Shui, in the Western sector you can place pictures of happy pregnant women, newborn babies and everything that you associate with motherhood. Well put here figurines of animals with cubs. If you have already purchased any toys or baby items for the baby's future, they also need to put it here.