You will need
  • - high school diploma;
  • - medical certificate;
  • - photographs;
  • - passport;
  • - certificate of passing the exam.
Find out the coordinates of the University, who has been training for the railroad. Usually they are in major cities. If you live far away, find out if your chosen University Dorm or about the price of rental housing.
Go to the website of the selected University. Examine the list of specialties, which are trained, and select the one which suits you the most. Along with the engineering professions, in such universities, you can obtain one from the economic field, which also required the railroads.
Turn in the exam in those subjects needed for admission. Enter the maximum possible points in order to have more chances to arrive on budgetary branch.
Participate in school Olympiads in special subjects. In case of victory you will get the opportunity admission to the University on preferential conditions or without examination, or by equating the first place at the Olympics to one hundred points obtained on the exam in core subjects.
In June, come to the admissions office of the University personally or to send by mail the documents. If you have the right to receive Federal benefits upon admission to the University, for example, a disability or the fact of passing of military service, submit a package of documents papers confirming this fact.

If your candidacy is approved by the University, your name will be mentioned in the list recommended for admission, which will be released in August.