You will need
  • Watch
  • Battery
  • Knife
  • Awl (optional)
  • Book
Open the caseback. This is perhaps the simplest operation. Find a special pull tab on the back cover, subsumed under his usual sharp sturdy knife. Now turn to the case, and the lid opened. The main thing is not to move around too much, it could lead to scratches.
Now get the battery. In modern hours, it is rarely attached somehow difficult. Though I have had more than a dozen hours. Usually I max needed an awl to press the upper contact (who in the spring completed), and often - the battery lasts only on "parole". In older models can meet any screws, then require a small clock screwdriver.
And now the most important thing. After putting new batteries to the place of service is required to close the lid. For this I use my own method. I put the watch on the carpet the glass and put the cap back on. Put a book on top so that the clock were exactly in the center of the book. And now we press on the book in hand. Under the action of our weight, cover gently back into place. It will be clear by the characteristic click.