Why after the dropper can appear hematoma
If the patient vein "good" that is easily seen and close to the surface of the skin, and procedural nurse qualified enough, the blood from the pierced vein will not get into the surrounding tissue. Then bruises will remain only a tiny dot at the injection site.
At least, formed a very small hematoma which will disappear quickly.
However, there are a lot of people with "bad" (very thin) veins, and the nurses may not be too skillful. In those cases, when the blood from the punctured vein goes into the surrounding tissue, formed of highly visible, long time passing hematoma.
How to cure hematoma
There are many medical and popular treatments of this problem. To the medication includes the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory ointments (such as "Caffeine", "Heparin", "Gepatrombin G"). They help to quickly get rid of the hematoma. Should twice a day, morning and evening, lubricate bruising a small amount of this ointment. As a rule, already after a few treatments the hematoma becomes much smaller and lighter.
In many cases, good help is easy and proven tool like iodine mesh. It is applied with a cotton swab on the area of the bruise so that the lines were a bit beyond.
To accelerate resorption of hematoma, you can use honey cakes. Mix rye flour with water and a small amount of stiff dough, add a little liquid honey and mix until smooth. From it make small pellets and apply them to the hematoma, securing with a bandage or strip of cloth. After drying, the pellets replace them with fresh ones.
You can use one only honey, covering the oiled area with plastic, and top with a bandage or cloth. But if you have an Allergy to this product, you cannot use this method.
A reliable and trusted tool is considered a cabbage leaf. Take a piece of cabbage leaf, slightly repel it from the veins and apply to the bruise. Top cover with polyethylene and bandage. Repeat the procedure daily, before bedtime. The hematoma will start to disappear.
Can help in other ways, for example, alcohol compresses, rubbing bruises on the body infusion of chamomile. You can also use onion powder mixed with common salt. A compress should be applied 2-3 times a day.