Before to assist in venous bleeding, assess the location and degree of damage. This will help you to choose the method of stopping the blood – finger pressure, pressure bandage or tourniquet.
If minor venous bleeding put your fingers to the vessel below the injury, because it is bottom-up flows venous blood. This is usually enough to through time, a clot formed and bleeding stopped on their own.
To stop severe venous bleeding on a limb, raise it above heart level. There will be a natural easing of pressure on the vein. In this position, apply a bandage.
The imposition of a pressure bandage for venous bleeding produce spiral upwards below the injury site. Each successive turnover of the bandage do with stronger tension, but not too tight. With proper application of the bandage the limb will retain its natural color. In a tight bandaging appears throbbing pain, cyanosis and swelling. In this case, the bandage will have to slightly loosen.
If a strong bleeding from a vein, when the finger pressure and a compressive bandage is ineffective, use a tourniquet. Be sure to observe the technique of its manipulation, because in some cases it can be traumatised not less than the actual damage. After all, when strong by displacement of the complete interruption of the blood supply and innervation of the limb and, as a consequence, paralysis or gangrene.
Use of a tourniquet for venous bleeding produce below the wound, as in the case with thumb pressure or a pressure bandage. If there is a normal harness, replace it with a belt, sleeve, and handkerchief. So as not to injure the skin and nerves, apply the tourniquet over clothing, each subsequent turnover make stronger than the previous, but not tight. Leave it in a conspicuous place and under the latest round include a note with the exact time (to the minute) overlay. If transportation to the clinic takes longer than 1 hour, pinch off the vein with your fingers and remove the harness, and in a few minutes, if the bleeding is still strong, apply it again, specifying the new time.
Regardless of the method used to stop bleeding, create for damaged body part fixed position, for example, clamp a makeshift splint or limit roller.
If you can successfully cope even with minor bleeding, victim show the doctor. In some cases, may need treatment of the wound with disinfectant, and sometimes the introduction of tetanus toxoid.