You will need
  • - "Black off", "Caffeine", "Badyaga 911", "er", "Troxerutin";
  • - tincture of calendula;
  • fresh marigold flowers, vodka;
  • pharmacy powder fresh-water sponge, hydrogen peroxide 3%;
  • - wormwood, vegetable oil;
  • - potatoes, honey, salt.
Treatment of a bruiseand should begin before his appearance, immediately after injury, apply on the injury something cold. This will help to narrow the blood vessels and prevents accumulation of blood under the skin. Cold compress should be kept for 2-3 hours, but not necessarily periodically removing a bruised places in order to avoid cold burns. If you ice it, wrap it in a piece of fabric and do not hold longer than 5-7 minutes for a single attachment.
After the cold compress, apply a pharmaceutical preparation for relieving inflammatory process, such as "Bruise-off", "Caffeine", "Badyaga 911", "er", "Troxerutin", etc. you can Also use the traditional medicine.
If the first day you should only use decongestants, then the next day it is recommended to use warming products that will expand the surrounding blood vessels and removed from the damaged accumulated fluid and blood. For this purpose, suitable hot compress or alcoholic lotions.
Take the pharmacy calendula tincture or alcohol tincture of marigold flowers homemade, wet a piece of gauze folded in four rows, put on the bruise and fix it with adhesive plaster. Do not remove the compress 1,5-2 hours. Procedure perform 3 times a day.
If you have fresh calendula flowers, you can pound a few, put them on a piece of cotton cloth soaked in vodka, and put on a bruise, to fix the plaster. The poultice should be changed 3-4 times a day.
Take a tablespoon of pharmaceutical powder concoctions, mix a small amount of water, and even better hydrogen peroxide to the consistency of sour cream. Apply on the bruise cooked for 15-20 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3-5 times a day.
Wormwood is an effective remedy for bruises and bruisingOh. Can be applied to a bruisefrom a steamed or fresh pounded leaves for an hour or two, but it is better to prepare wormwood oil. Take 50 grams of freshly picked and chopped sage or 25 grams of dry powdered herbs, pour 50 ml of vegetable oil. Place on kabakobwa water bath for 2.5-3 hours.
After removing from heat, leave for 10-12 hours. Drain, carefully pressing up through 2-layer cheesecloth vegetable residue. RUB a bruise cooked oil 5-7 times a day. This is a very powerful tool, just follow the body's reaction to wormwood. It is not recommended to use wormwood oil for Allergy sufferers.
Take a potato and making a cross cut on the size of the bruiseand make a circle. Give him honey mixed with salt at a ratio of 1:1. Put the prepared plate of potato on the bruise and secure with adhesive tape. If you are not allergic to bee products, do not remove the compress during the day. At night, prepare fresh.