Modern car not the ones that were a few decades ago. They allow you to listen to favorite music not only on radio frequencies and magazines, but also with the use of CD and DVD disks, flash drives, memory cards. However, the management of such receivers is quite complex, and often motorists do not know how to enter code in radio, that earned. About this problem we decided to talk in this article, namely, how to enter code in head unit car Volkswagen.
Car VW DeltaВключите receiver. The display will read CODE. Enter using the buttons 1, 2, 3 and 4, pressing each of them several times, correct code. Press the up arrow or down after the correct codeand. Radio is turned on.
Car VW Alpha will Suklydote receiver - appears SAFE. Press the buttons TP and TA simultaneously and hold until then while on the display will appear the number 1000. Enter using the buttons 1, 2, 3 and 4 correct code. Click after the emergence of the correct codeand the buttons are TA and TP and hold for a few seconds. The same principle includes all car series Beta.
Radio VW Gamma But receiver - appears SAFE. Press M and VF at the same time and hold until then while on the display will appear the number 1000. Enter using the buttons 1, 2, 3 and 4 correct code. Click after the emergence of the correct codeand press the M and VF and hold for a few seconds.
On the same principle you enter the code in all the radio series and the Gamma Premium. Some of them press the M VF, and replace TA and TP.
Car VW 2Включите Sound receiver. There was an inscription "CODE - - -". Enter using the buttons 1, 2, 3 and 4 correct code. Click after the emergence of the correct codeand SELECT button and hold for a few seconds.
Car VW NewbeetleВключите receiver - appears SAFE. Wait until the display will show 1000. Enter using the buttons 1, 2, 3 and 4 correct code. Click after the emergence of the correct codeand the ">>" button and hold for a few seconds.
Car VW Deluxe AudioВключите receiver. - appears IN CODE. Type using buttons 1-6 correct code. Click after the emergence of the correct codeand at the same time the MODE button and SCAN. Hold button 5 seconds.