Try to get through to Vodafone by dialing a short number 0611. It can only do subscribers of this company inside the network. They are free of charge. If you are a customer of another operator, use the Moscow number (495) 974 88 88. The cost of this call will be calculated depending on your location. Additional methods of communication with the operator via mobile phone you can find on the official website of the company.
After the call you will be taken to the menu of an answering machine. Listen to the voice instructions and choose the most appropriate section by pressing the appropriate key on phone. Pre-tap the star to activate the tone mode. To contact Beeline directly, you can at any time press "0" and wait for the connection.
Prepare to be that support staff may request your passport data, the number of the subscriber contract, etc. it is Better to prepare in advance all documentation available and to articulate your questions. Do not forget that a conversation is likely to be recorded, so try to be polite and not be rude to the staff of the technical service.
You can contact Beeline not only by phone but also through the feedback service on the website of the company. Look in the top menu on the main page a link "Ask a question" and click on it. Type your question in the appropriate box and click "Ask". In some cases, the answer comes immediately and in others you have to wait for a few days. You can leave in the special field of your e-mail address to him in the future came the operator's reply.