From St. Petersburg to Vyborg by train

From St. Petersburg to Vyborg can be reached by train. Following all trains to Vyborg starts from the Finland station of Saint Petersburg. The fare is about 250 rubles. Travel time to the destination is just over 2 hours. This method of travel between cities is useful if you want to get to destination with minimal expense and as quickly as possible.

In Vyborg can be reached by train with a stopover in Sochi. It's less convenient route, but it is also acceptable. The first trains run from the Finland station at 23:30 and arrives in Irkutsk at 00:26. This is followed by the waiting duration is a little over 5 hours. Train to your destination leaves at 05:41 and arrives in Vyborg at 06:58.

From Finland station to Vyborg sent the Express train. The price of the ticket similar to a train, but in the way is less. The journey time of Express train Vyborg is 1.5 hours. He goes to the Finland station at 07:47, 18:15 and 20:40.

How to get to Vyborg by fast train

From fast trains to celebrate the train "Moscow – Helsinki, departing from the Ladozhsky station. To Vyborg, it takes about 2 hours, but the fare is much higher. Place in a compartment will cost about 2000 rubles.

Fast train "Allegro" route "St. Petersburg – Helsinki arrives to Vyborg for 55 minutes. This is the fastest option of travel between the two points.

How to get to Vyborg by bus

From St. Petersburg to Vyborg should be a large number of buses. They depart from different points of Russia's Northern capital and at different times. Thus, if for some reason it is impossible to travel by train, it is always possible to get to Vyborg by bus.

Quite a lot of bus routes depart from the metro station Ozerki. Depending on the route the buses arrive at either the bus station or the railway station of Vyborg. Note that the journey time to the railway station increased by 1 hour compared with the route to the bus station and is 3 hours.

There are buses that can pick a person from a certain address in St. Petersburg and to take him at a specific address in Vyborg. This becomes extremely convenient if your final destination is unfamiliar, and must arrive at a specific location. These buses run quite frequently during the day.

From the North bus station does the bus that takes you to Vyborg 2 hours, but the fare on this below - 140 rubles. This route follows at 08:10 and 21:00.