Magnesia is a solution of magnesium sulfate, which via intravenous drip administered to a pregnant woman through an active therapy. Sensations arising in this procedure can not be called pleasant, but strong discomfort they cause.

Indications for

For many years the drip of magnesia during pregnancy expectant mothers prescribed often enough. In most cases, the readings are:
- excess fluid in the body and too slow water exchange, the appearance of edema on the body;
- high blood pressure;
- genetic predisposition to thrombophlebitis or the presence of obvious symptoms of this disease;
- late and ostroprotekayuschih toxemia;
- the appearance of the epileptic syndrome and the presence of frequent seizures;
- increased tone of the uterus;
- the lack of magnesium in the body;
- General weakness and malaise, insomnia, irritability and poor health of the patient.

Duration, during which pregnant women do a drip, and also the necessary intensity of therapy is determined strictly individually, depending on the initial state of the patient.

The action of magnesia on the body

One of the main positive effects, which has a dropper magnesia during pregnancy, is the rapid reduction of high blood pressure, which is a very important and even a decisive factor for a healthy flow of this process.

The solution of magnesia provides a slow and painless relaxation of muscles, lowering the tone of the uterus and bring it back to normal. Swelling on the face and body resulting from low water exchange, disappear quickly, overall health markedly improved.

Reduces the effects of stress, which negatively affect pregnancy, sleep and relaxation stabiliziruemost.

Magnesia is quite powerful and effective medicine, so it has its contraindications and possible side effects. It should not be administered in case of Allergy to the drug components, stable low-pressure patient, slow beats and disorders in the heart rhythm, chronic kidney disease.

As side effects patients can observe excessive sweating, high body temperature, headaches. In such cases, dropper with solution of magnesia are eliminated or the dosage is significantly reduced.