You will need
  • - the documents confirming the right to the assistance;
  • - the passport.
Contact the Department of social protection of the population. Give back the documents depending on which category of needy citizens you belong to. If you live in a poor family, then please confirm this by reference to the salary of both spouses and of family members. In this case, you can count on periodic payments of material assistance and child benefits.
Social benefits can be designed in many other cases. For example, the material assistance that the state relies temporarily disabled, pregnant women and nursing mothers, parents of a disabled child and just a minor child. Relatives of the deceased can also receive a burial allowance, and a woman came female consultation in early terms of pregnancy - an additional one-time payment. Also the basis for one-time assistance becomes the birth of a child. All these benefits are documented in various institutions to learn more about this you can have the employee's social protection.
In addition to Federal assistance programs, there are various regional, such as special payments to the families of students with children. About these types of benefits can also be found in the Department of social protection.
Individual financial assistance can be put and students of state universities. They have the right to social scholarship, established by the University independently. It usually applies to people with disabilities and people from low-income families.
The unemployed entitled to special financial assistance from the state to open their own business. To do this, he must submit to the employment service business plan, under which he will develop his business. If the application is Buda approved, he will receive a lump sum of their allowance for the year. This amount will become the initial capital for the start of the new organization.
There is also the possibility of receiving special social assistance if you do not fit into any of the previous categories. It may be associated with a lack of funds for housing repairs in the aftermath of the disaster and other sudden situations. You will have to confirm their circumstances documented.