You will need
  • - passport;
  • - proof of income;
  • - birth certificates of children;
  • - a document on the composition of the family.
Verify whether your family is poor the point of view of the law. For this purpose, the family income must not exceed the subsistence minimum. It is calculated differently for each region and is indexed annually. In 2011 it is about 6000 rubles, but may vary in the big or smaller party for working people, children and pensioners. To know the exact size of the minimum you will be able to apply for the necessary documents.
Come in Management of social protection at the place of residence. You will need passports, birth certificates of children, income, family composition, certificate of registration of marriage. Also open an account in Sberbank and provide his details for the transfer you allowances.
If your family recognize poor, you will receive entitlement benefits. They can vary from region to region, but any low-income family can receive the child allowance up to 16 years. If the child is enrolled full-time at school, University or College, benefits may be extended to 23 years. When you have appointed him, get this special paper.

Also apply to the design of targeted assistance to the family. This is a separate small monthly payments, they are made in the same place - in the Department of social protection of the population.
With supporting documents, please contact the school where your children study. They must provide free meals in the school cafeteria.
Also make a grant to pay for utilities. It depends on the number of children in the family, and is also issued in social protection.
When you visit with the child to the doctor present documents confirming your status of low-income families. In this case it needs to issue the document for getting free dairy products in the dairy kitchen day children up to three years. Children under six years will rely prescriptions for free medicines.
In your area may need additional programs to support low income families, for example, the ability to send a child to summer camp at a discounted ticket. Information about this will get the employee social security.