You will need
- - proper diet;
- - the organization of motor activity;
- - a positive attitude;
- the exception, of stress and overload.
Unfortunately, the universal remedy to combat constipation during pregnancy is not. Start with the diet. Stool formed from the remnants of food, dead microorganisms and fiber. If you have morning sickness, you eat badly and irregularly, you should pay attention to the shelves in the store with natural fibers. Usually it is produced, process pumpkin seeds, or by using cereal plants. Only two teaspoons and a glass of water – after a few hours will lead you to the toilet. In your diet include dried fruits: apricots, prunes, raisins, figs. A good effect is produced by lactic acid bacteria living in yogurt, cottage cheese yogurt. Eat as many vegetables and as snacks use fruits instead of candy or cookies. Don't forget to fill salads with fresh sunflower or olive oil, as it contains substances that naturally stimulate intestinal peristalsis.
Minimize drinking coffee (1 Cup a day), strong tea (it is better to switch completely to green), chocolate (no more than 3-4 pieces a day), white bread (tends to ferment in the intestines causing flatulence), semolina (has the effect of fixing).

If there is a pronounced bloating use flatulence based on simethicone. Online pharmacies you will find a plethora of drugs that differ only in the dose of the active substance and price. Buy most inexpensive and permitted children from birth: "Espumizan L", "cough syrup" or other equivalent. After every meal one teaspoon drip 5-7 drops and swallow without water. The flatulence will leave and not come back.

Drink at least 2.5 liters of fluid. Liquid count: 1 Apple is 100 ml of water, 1 bowl of soup is 250 ml of water, add all the cups of pure water and drink as a tea or cocoa. If the total will be 2.5 liters or more, and constipation continues to look down – increase the amount of cereal eaten in the form of cereals. Diversify the diet of cereals to the maximum: and the child is useful, and your intestines will be plenty to form the feces.

During your movement, the child is also very active, he ceases to press on the same loop of intestine. It relieves tension and improves circulation, absorption of nutrients and peristalsis as a whole. This implies that you need to spend more time feasible active muscle loads. It can be frequent walking and therapeutic exercise, massage, and swimming. Be sure to consult your physician regarding the choice of the number and the level of stress on your pregnancy.

Avoid laxatives from the pharmacy. They can cause threat of interruption of pregnancy. And this is due to the fact that these drugs are designed to strengthen peristalsis, ie reduction of the walls of the intestine and uterus at the same time. However, if we are talking about a cleansing enema before giving birth, a great alternative is to use a simple glycerin suppositories. One candle will cause intolerable attack bowel movements after only 30 seconds after application.
If you have tried all of the above methods, but the problem of constipation is still with you, make a decision to seek the assistance of medications allowed during pregnancy. Please note, these drugs should not cause the contractile actions of the intestines. Their action should be aimed at the dilution of stool and facilitate their elimination from the body. Whatever means you prescribed by a doctor, self check in instructions its mechanism of action. In any case, such instruments should be resorted to only in extreme situations and short-term. Example of drugs: "Duphalac", "Definirla".

Prolonged use of laxatives leads to habituation and to exacerbate the problem.
Useful advice
If the problem of constipation you have had before pregnancy, find a good gastroenterologist and identify the cause of the frequent problems with the chair.