If you gave birth naturally, to go to the toilet to urinate can, as soon as you yourself get up and go. If you lie in the chamber, which permitted the stay of the relatives, have to help to reach the toilet. The first hours after birth you can see the weakness and dizziness that are dangerous possible fainting. If you find it difficult to urinate, try to do it in the shower – the warm water relaxes. At first, try to go to the toilet every two hours. A full bladder presses on the uterus wall, preventing her to fall.
If you have stitches for the crotch, observe personal hygiene. After visiting the toiletand to wash with baby soap without fragrances and change the gaskets. Pads should be changed every three hours. After birth there is a strong bleeding, and mucous walls of the vagina subjected to the ingress of infection.
But to go to the toilet by and large not really. Before birth, the woman made a cleansing enema and food the first days it is necessary to observe fasting. If you have stitches for the crotch, the bowel is better to wait for the third or fourth day. Before that insert the body of the candle, so you don't have to push. All it is now contraindicated.
Women who gave birth by caesarean section, the first days can not be inserted to rip out your stitches and not feeling well (not all tolerate the anesthesia). If you wanted to urinate but can't, ask your nurse to put you a catheter.
After cesarean special care need exposed seams. Either remove not the seventh day, or they dissolve (depending on the material used).
If after the birth you began to suffer constipation, most likely, this is due to psychological problems. If you are breastfeeding, to take a laxative to be very careful. Better to stay on the plant preparations or take one tablespoon of olive oil a day.