How to reduce the pain of thermal burn
First of all try as much as possible to cool the burnt spot. Pour cool water on the burn or attach a metal object (metal, high thermal conductivity, cools well), a bag of ice. If the burn happened at home, can be used for cooling any package from the freezer, for example, with a piece of frozen meat, vegetable or a mixture of berries.
Many sources suggest to treat the damaged area with alcohol or Cologne. But to do this in any case is impossible, because the pure alcohol dries the skin, and the burn can get sick even more!
After the pain will disappear or at least significantly reduced, you can use a cream containing aloe or zinc ointment. Well relieves pain and promotes rapid healing of grated potatoes. It should be gently squeeze to remove excess liquid, then apply paste to the burn and fix a gauze bandage. When the squash is fully dried out it carefully to remove, replace, fresh again and cover with gauze. So repeated several times.
If the pain persists for a long time, you can take some painkillers. But it is better to consult a doctor because every drug has contraindications.
How to get rid of the pain, if the burn is chemical
To get burned by some corrosive chemical substance is not only at work but also in everyday life. Because many cleaning products contain caustic ingredients! If you happened to such trouble, follow instruction on first aid that should be on the package. In that case, if you for some reason can't read it, first of all, quickly rinse this stuff with a lot of running cold water. Then, when the pain will decrease, neutralize the residue. If the burn was caused by acid, you need to sprinkle the affected area baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) or clean it with a solution of soda. If you got burned by lye, lubricate the damaged area vinegar.
If you do not have vinegar, use lemon juice.
After this treatment back flush the burn with large amounts of water. If necessary, call an ambulance. To do this immediately in that case, if there is a burn of the mucous membrane, e.g. eyes.