The types of burns

There are several types of burns: thermal, chemical, electrical, ionizing. The latter involve the effect on human tissue radiation or solar radiation. Electrical burns occur after exposure of human tissue to electricity, chemicals - after contact with skin chemically active substances (acids, alkalis) and thermal burns are formed after an impact on the tissues of the body temperatures are unacceptable for humans.

The depth of the injury, burns are divided also into several groups.

A first-degree burn – injury to the surface of human tissue, the characteristics for her redness and pain, no blisters and bubbles. Typically, such a burn takes place without treatment in 3-5 days.

When second-degree burn damaged the epidermis surface. This degree of damage to the skin characterized by the appearance of blisters, redness of the injured area. This burn takes place for 10 days, leaving no scars.

Third-degree burns – deep damage to the skin, followed by damage to blood vessels and nerve trunks. This burn is characterized by severe pain with possible early necrosis of tissues.

When the fourth degree burn is charring of the skin and deep underlying tissues such as subcutaneous tissue, muscle and even bone.

First aid for burns

With thermal burns and sunburns should immediately bring people out of the impact of the damaging factor is to extinguish or remove burning clothing, withdraw from the zone of this factor and to protect against the effects of direct sunlight.

For burns of first or second degree it is necessary to quickly produce cooling of the damaged area with cold water with temperatures around 12-18 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Then cover the affected area with a damp, clean cloth.

If it is impossible to wash with water the affected areas, if possible, their initially cool clean wet cloth for 15-20 minutes and then cover with a clean dry cloth. When finding bracelets, rings, etc. in the area affected area immediately to remove them. You can use the available painkillers, to relieve pain syndrome in the victim.

While first degree burns possible to use the following medicines: Panthenol, Alzolam, Dermazin and so on. They all have a cooling and soothing effect. Perhaps the use of the bells and whistles of the cooled decoction of chamomile. After first aid, should immediately consult a doctor for further treatment and rehabilitation.

For chemical burns, you should immediately free the victim from the action of damaging factor. In case of burns with acid, except the sulphuric, the damaged area flush with cold water for 15-20 minutes. If possible to treat the damaged area with a solution of 3% soda solution or soap and water. To impose a clean sterile dressing and seek immediate medical attention.

When alkali burns, the affected area washed with water and yield a treatment with 2% solution of citric or acetic acid. After that also you must immediately consult a doctor.

When receiving electrical burns should immediately free the victim from exposure to damaging factor, and then apply a clean sterile dressing and seek immediate medical attention.

Can I use a burn ointment and creams

To use ointments and creams for burns acceptable. So, for the treatment of a burn of thermal origin, the most commonly used ointment Procelan. It has good antibacterial properties. In addition, this cream contains an analgesic ingredient that in the first time of healing of a burn will relieve the pain.

Well-proven ointment Pavilion-iodine. In its composition includes active iodine, which disinfect the wound, and components that accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissue. Similarly, the action has Rescue balm based on natural ingredients.

For speedy healing and to avoid infection of the skin after burn is traditionally used in ointments Levomekol and Panthenol.

It is forbidden to do for burns

It is strictly forbidden: - to remove the victim stuck as a result of thermal effects of clothing; engaging the bladder during pregnancy and, especially, to open; to touch your hands to the affected areas; - apply to affected areas of creams, ointments, urine, bulk drugs, oil, hydrogen peroxide, drugs which includes alcohol; - in the presence of a second-degree burn and higher self can't do. You should immediately contact the medical facility to receive skilled care. - apply on the affected area with ice, cotton wool, plasters, etc.