You will need
  • - "Mevent";
  • - "Dixital.";
  • "Levosin";
  • - "Olazol";
  • - "Actovegin";
  • - "Algofin";
  • "Sudocrem";
  • - "Bepanten plus";
  • - "Panthenol";
  • - "Streptocida";
  • - "Gentamicina";
  • - "Synthesis";
  • - "Pentesting";
  • "Streptonitol";
  • - "Methyluracil";
  • "Hentikan";
  • - "Thank you";
  • "Tetryl";
  • "Levosin";
  • - "Levomekol";
  • - "Quick help";
  • "Dermazin";
  • - "Lifeguard".
To self-medicate and use ointment only at the small area of damage on the skin. When first-degree burn, there is a slight swelling and redness. When second-degree burn the skin blisters. In the third degree of necrosis of tissue. And at the fourth degree charring with tissue damage, muscles, tendons and bones. Apply ointment burns rationally only when the first and second degree. In other cases, you should immediately contact the Department of traumatology, or to call the ambulance.
To numb the pain of the burn and prevent inflammation, use the ointment "Mevent". Regeneration of affected areas can be significantly faster if medical ointment to use for several days.
Less effective analgesic effect ointment "Dixital.". When you use treatment immediately after a burn you are able to prevent occurrence of blisters and inflammation.
On a superficial first-degree burns, apply ointment "Levosin" or use aerosol "Olazol". Drugs have analgesic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect.
Healing Actovegin, which releases in the form of cream, ointment and gel, helps to prevent inflammation, have analgesic effect and promote rapid regeneration of skin cells. Within 5 days it is better to apply the gel, then within 7 days cream, and at the stage of full healing ointment.
Drugs based on plant extracts have wound healing and antimicrobial action. For burns of the first degree apply to the affected area cream "Algofin", "Sudocrem", "Bepanten plus" or "Panthenol".
When festering burn wounds on prescription use antimicrobial ointments: "the Liniment of syntomycin", "Streptocidum", "Gentamicina". To speed healing and improve the outflow of pus ointment will help: "-", "Pentesting", "Streptonitol", "Methyluracil".
Deep burns will help heal powder "Hentikan", ointment "Vundehil". Moreover, it is often prescribed "Tetryl", "Levosin", "Levomekol".