What to do when the light burns?

The first step is to cool the injury – cold water, packages of frozen foods, ice. Trauma from a terrible burn that continues to grow and develop even after the leather has ceased to contact with a hot object. This is due to the skin properties: it rapidly generates heat, but does not have the ability to quickly get rid of it. That's why cooling is necessary.

Cooling time depends on the senses of the child – if the cold to clean up, and the feeling of heat and pain returns, the procedure is repeated until then, until the discomfort disappears. You have to be prepared for the fact that the procedure can take several hours.

If the burn occurred from a hot oil, fatty broth – oily cover injuries should be washed off. It is most convenient to let the water jet through the soapy the hand of an adult.

On the burn, you can apply for easy dressing. In a glass of warm water dissolve 2-4 tablets furatsilina, cool. Wet the bandage in the solution, wring out and apply to the injury, capturing and healthy skin. Secure the bandage. Furatsilin reduces the temperature.

If, after all of the treatments provided pain persists or a burn area greater than the palm of a child, it is recommended to consult a specialist.


Absolutely contraindicated grandma's ways of treating areas of the burn. Can obscure injuries of different oils. Fats impede heat transfer, thereby exacerbating the effects.