You will need
  • - cold water;
  • - baking soda;
  • - the pulp of raw potatoes, carrots, cabbage for lotions;
  • - decoction of green tea, St. John's wort, chamomile, elderberry and Kombucha for lotions;
  • - a decoction of oatmeal and potato starch for the compresses;
  • - vitamins A, b and C.
With sunburn take a short, cool bath. Add ½ Cup of baking soda. This will help to relieve local increase in temperature and somewhat easier overall. After the bath make a lotion of freshly brewed green tea. For fast recovery of the skin, take vitamins, especially A, b and C, drink more water and healthy drinks such as juices, herbal teas, green tea. Their antioxidant and fortifying properties, will help heal a burn faster.
With scalding hot oil, water or a hot frying pan, immerse the affected area in cold water (not under running water). Keep at least 5-10 minutes. This will cool the skin and partially relieve pain. Further treatment of the burn commence only in the case if there were a violation of the integrity of the skin, and the amount of damage is not more than the volume of the palm.
Do not use immediately after a burn oily substances: vaseline, vegetable oil or cream. They slow down recovery of the skin and increase the risk of infection in case of its damage, especially if it was seen at once.
To relieve inflammation burns use a variety of lotions and compresses. Every 2 hours apply to the burn, place the pulp of raw potato wrapped in several layers of cheesecloth. To enhance the therapeutic action each morning on an empty stomach drink half a glass of freshly squeezed potato juice.
The next day mix consisting of potato pulp, carrots and cabbage. As a compress can use cool oatmeal pudding, mixed with potato starch. Apply the mixture for a few minutes, and, without waiting for complete drying, rinse with water. Repeat several times a day.
To accelerate the healing of burn surface and eliminate pain make lotions of freshly brewed green tea, and from the juice of the fresh plant. In dry and powdered form, apply the tea to the affected area several times a day. Of herbs for the treatment of burns do compresses with a decoction of St. John's wort, chamomile or elderberry.
In mild burns to apply to the inflamed area of the skin a thin layer of the mass of Kombucha. As it dries, change the lotion. After a few treatments, the redness disappears, and in the future, the burn will disappear without a trace.
When a large area of burn (more hands) the skin damage, or save-severe pain within 48 hours, as well as burns caused by chemicals or electricity after first aid be sure to consult your doctor. In such cases, the tissue breakdown causes the increased production of toxins and the larger the area and depth of destruction, the stronger is intoxication. This condition can disrupt the work of many organs – kidneys, brain, heart, liver, or cause a General blood infection.