Specify the number or name of the institution where you did your training, as well as the surname, name, patronymic of the teacher-mentor.
Note in diaryterms of passing of practice.
Formulate your goals and objectives before beginning your teaching. For example, you can schedule the introduction of new methods in teaching on any subject or the implementation of information technologies in the process of studying physics or mathematics.
Structure feature class with which you worked. Specify the number and age of children, their personal qualities and level of education. In addition, reflect the characteristic of the level of proficiency of the children in this school subject.
Specify the number you conducted the lessons and their themes and place in the calendar-thematic planning for the year. Will inform you about which classes you were given lessons.
Write all the lesson plans and tests. Analyze the lesson and the teacher-mentor, and yourself. In introspection of a lesson reflect on the moments that are most successful in your opinion and what you consider a lack of success point in the lesson.
If you were prepared and tested or practical work, report on the results of this activity (research and practical developments and findings evaluations, structured abstracts, etc.).
Ask your tutor to write a review about your conducted activities and achieved results, as well as about the atmosphere that was created thanks to your personal qualities and good planning at every stage.
Reflect in diarye pedagogical practice dates, themes, and findings of your extra-curricular activities (class hours, the Comedy, literary and music lounge, themed symposia on any subject, quiz, etc.).
Make a diary of pedagogical practice not only the teacher but also your students. They can write about their impressions of the lesson, to point out the most interesting and important, in their view, the aspects, to describe the psychological environment in the classroom or extra-curricular event.
All of the entries in the diarye pedagogical practices analyse and signed by the teacher tutor and head of this educational institution.