First of all, you need to remember that a sense of humor is of two types: directed inward, and outward. The first is the ability of a person to find the funny moments in everyday life and sometimes in difficult situations, the ability to laugh at himself. The second is the ability to joke. Starting to develop a sense of humor, people usually try to learn to joke. This is incorrect, because without the ability to see the positive in any situation and the ability to laugh at himself, can not do.
First love life and yourself. This you can learn yourself, and if not, then a competent teacher. Do not take in teachers as people with more life experience. This role is best suited a five year old child who knows how to laugh for no apparent reason.
Then stop to treat yourself too seriously, don't be afraid to be funny. All your past experience may resist this, but try to overcome yourself. Try to find the funny features, ask around among family and friends, in any case, no offense to truthful answers.
Take a look at ourselves and laugh good-naturedly. Remember all those awkward situations in which you fell. Once you master this skill, you can try to laugh at others over their mistakes. This skill will be especially useful in case if you fail to share a joke over another person and laughing at their failure, you'll defuse the situation.
In addition to learn to laugh at any situation, to develop a sense of humor and other important parameters, for example, erudition, a large vocabulary, the ability to clearly Express their ideas, associative thinking, acting and so on.
The easiest way to make fun of themselves or others is ironic. Is a technique by which the object of your humor is a characteristic that is opposite of this. For example, a lazy person, you can say: "Yes, you stick!".
Vocabulary is extremely important, as many humorous techniques associated with the play on words. For example, the use of homonyms (words that have similar spelling and pronunciation but different in meaning).
Knowledge allows a person to depart from my usual jokes and make his humor more refined and sophisticated. Many techniques are based on generalizations and associations, so all these parameters need to be developed.
Quite a few people have noticed that despite the fact that actually the joke is very funny, none of his friends laughed. But the fact that the jokes still need to be able to present a certain way. The development of acting, your speech will allow you to make laugh even the most serious minded audiences.