Modest and closed person is difficult to immediately become the soul of the company, but constant training will yield results. You should start with expanding one's circle of acquaintances. When friends will call for a party, do not give up, because skills can only be acquired through personal contacts. Visit clubs, and various lectures and seminars, they are very easy to find interlocutors.
Be positive, smile. Moody people are not interesting, but the brightness and optimism attracts the attention. Learn to be nice. To work out this is in front of the mirror to get a not a grimace, but a real joy. To simplify the task, remember something very pleasant, and this will add sincerity to your smile. And try not to lose this as each day arrives it more and more, and then it will become part of your life.
Start reading. Many and different. The book significantly broadens the mind of a man can communicate on various topics. In addition, there is the vocabulary. If every day to take a few minutes to books, in a year you'll be talking a lot more interesting, can hold a conversation in various circles. Choose texts that you enjoy yourself, read about what is interesting. And others need that too, they will be happy to speak with you. But it's best not to simply retell what they read, and to have their point of view, making her stop.
Think of a few phrases that will help in communication. For example, it is taught to communicate in a cold market, when to offer accounts to strangers. These phrases tie the dialogue, allow you to catch the eyes of men, to interest him. There is no standard expressions, they will each their own, depending on the sphere of communication. Each of them is to rehearse in front of a mirror, so it looked very natural.
Cheerful and sociable man knows how to tell a funny story or anecdote. Find several options that will appeal to. Learn them first, and tell the closest. It is important to consider the intonation, and sometimes gestures. May at first funny and fail, but with experience it will come. Add in his piggy Bank one joke a week and in a year you will be a very cheerful person with whom it is simply impossible to miss.
Surprisingly, sociable people often refer to those who know how to listen. There are people who just need to talk. And in such company it would be appropriate just to be silent and to ask leading questions. This type of behavior is very useful, and if it is successful, you will be the best source. The combination of optimism and ability to listen is very appreciated in modern society.