You will need
  • - the statement;
  • - academic transcript.
According to the Ministry of education of the Russian Federation of 24.02.98 to transfer to another UNIVERSITY, you must apply to the rector of your chosen institution. Attach to the application a photocopy of the record book. Wait for the outcome of the appraisal. During certification, the Commission will review your gradebook and if you find that some items you have not studied or studied to a lesser extent, you will have to take them to not have any academic debt.
When transferring to another Department, the receiving party will determine the set of objects that you need to take. Optional items can be counted without repeating. If your transfer is approved by the University, you will receive a certificate stating that you are enrolled will transfer to this UNIVERSITY.
Write a letter of dismissal in connection with transfer to another school, the name of your rector. Attach to the statement issued you a certificate of intent to enroll you transfer. Within 10 days to be issued the order on your dismissal in connection with transfer to another UNIVERSITY. Once such an order is ready, take the school certificate or other document that you handed over at admission and academic information about the progress.
Turn in record book and student card. They will be kept in your personal file together with the order of dismissal and a copy of the document on education.
Once you get your hands on all the necessary documents, take them with you to your chosen UNIVERSITY. The rector will issue an order of acceptance. Also, you can approve an individual study plan with a list of subjects that you must study and pass in time (if you are translating for the same or related faculty, the list of items subject to change, is likely minimal). Will receive a student book and a student card.