To date:
• special experience. Calculation of special experienceand is in accordance with the Provisions established in the industry, organization, enterprise. As a rule, they details the manner of counting such experience.
• insurance experience (total period of employment, services, public works, etc., within which the premium paid to the social insurance Fund, pension Fund).
In the calculation of the insurance experienceand for the payment of sick leave are considered periods of payment of insurance premiums in the FSS. In the presence of the insurance experienceand 8 years or more, paid sick leave is 100%.
For calculation of the insurance experienceand in the appointment of the labour pension are taken into account the periods of paying contributions to the pension Fund. In article 11 of the Federal law "About labour pensions in the Russian Federation" there is a full list of periods that are included in the insurance experience in addition to periods of employment.
Experience is considered on the basis of the employment records of the employee. In that case, if some periods of work, service, etc. the worker is not recorded in the work book, the reason may be:
• employment contract;
certificates of the established form confirming the periods of work or service;
• information on the transfer of contributions to the pension Fund and social insurance Fund, etc.
In order to properly calculate the experience, you can use special software. They contain basic rules for the calculation of the insurance experience.
And it is possible to count manually. In order to avoid errors, remember that when you calculate every 30 days are considered as month and 12 months a year.
Consider the example: date of employment – 26.12.2006 g, the date of dismissal – 14.03.2009, the end date and subtract the initial.
Start with days out of 14 you need to subtract 26. To do this, taking the 1 month (30 days). The result: 44-26=18дн.
Then count the months from 2 (one month left in the calculation of days) subtract 12. To do this, take 1 year (12 months). Total: 14-12=2 month.
In conclusion, consider the years: 2009-2006-1=2 years.
After calculations it turned out that the experience for the period amounted to 2years 2 month 18дн.
The total experience is determined by the above method (since days) by adding experienceto her for the period.
For example, 2G 2m 18дн + 4y 10m 03дн + 4m 5L 21дн =12L 05M 12дн.