Decompose any two-digit number into components, highlighting the number of units. Among the 96 number of units — 6. Therefore, we can write 96 = 90 + 6.
Erect in the square the first number: 90 * 90 = 8100.
Do likewise with the second numberm: 6 * 6 = 36
Multiply the number between them and double the result: 90 * 6 * 2 = 540 * 2 = 1080.
Add the results of the second, third and fourth steps: 8100 + 36 + 1080 = 9216. This is the result of raising in the square of the number 96. After some training you will be able to quickly take steps in the mind, surprising parents and classmates. Until I mastered it, record the results of each step to avoid confusion.
For training lift in the square the number is 74 check yourself on the calculator. The sequence of actions: 74 = 70 + 4, 70 * 70 = 4900, 4 * 4 = 16, 70 * 4 * 2 = 560, 4900 + 16 + 560 = 5476.
Raise to the second power of the number 81. Your actions: 81 = 80 + 1, 80 * 80 = 6400, 1 * 1 = 1, 80 * 1 * 2 = 160, 6400 + 1 + 160 = 6561.
Remember special a method of construction in square two digit numbers ending in the digit 5. Highlight the number of tens in 75 of their 7 pieces.
Multiply the number of tens to the next figure of the numberof CMV series: 7 * 8 = 56.
Assign the right number 25: 5625 — the result of raising in the square of the number 75.
For training lift in the second degree the number 95. It ends in the digit 5, so the sequence of actions: 9 * 10 = 90, 9025 — result.
Learn how to build in the square of a negative number: -95 in the squaree = 9025, as in the eleventh step. Similarly -74 in the squaree = 5476, as in the sixth step. This is because when multiplying two negative numbers always get a positive number: -95 * -95 = 9025. Therefore, in the construction in the square can just not pay attention to the minus sign.