Pour 30 g of walnut leaves Cup olive or any other vegetable oil. Put the pot where it resides for a week in a dark place and shake it periodically. Then for three hours, heat on a water bath. Strain the mixture twice, and simmer for 30 minutes. Immediately after boiling, add in the mass of 30 g of yellow wax. The resulting ointment applied on the wound.
Take equal amounts of beeswax, spruce resin, sunflower, meat and honey. Heating all this on a low heat, mix thoroughly and cool. The ointment helps in the healing of cuts, wounds and abrasions.
To provide the wound with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and healing action, apply to it the ointment prepared from the leaves of plantain. For its preparation, skip the leaves through a meat grinder and mix with vaseline and lanolin in the ratio 1 : 8 : 1 or, make a mixture by combining psyllium with peach oil in the ratio 1 : 9.
Mix together 100 g of olive oil, 5 g of white wax, 8 g of yellow wax, a tablespoon of butter and 20 g of pine resin. Heat over low heat for 10 minutes. Constantly stir the mixture and remove appear on the surface of the foam. Place the mass into a glass dish. Apply the mixture on a bandage or gauze and apply to the wound.
For the treatment of hardhealed wounds prepare a decoction, which should be used inside and use for compresses. Take 30 g of chamomile and horsetail and 40 g of St. John's wort. Pour a glass of boiling water. Before use, strain and press. Drink ½ Cup 3 times a day.
With significant face injuries and contact your surgeon. Primary surgical treatment will accelerate the healing of wounds, and was appointed doctor drugs optimize that process.