You will need
  • - aloe;
  • - Kalanchoe;
  • - the bandage;
  • - yarrow;
  • - dandelion flowers;
  • - vegetable oil;
  • - beet juice;
  • branch of black poplar;
  • - glassware.
Cut an aloe leaf and cut-side attach it to the scratch. Secure with a bandage. Change raw materials several times during the day.
To scratch quickly healed and disappeared, several times a day apply it two or three drops of juice of Kalanchoe.
Quickly stop the bleeding and prolong a scratch yarrow. Mash the plant in a mortar before education juicy pulp. Lay it on the affected area and tie a bandage.
To speed healing and prevent inflammation damaged skin prepare an infusion from 1 tablespoon of St. John's wort and 2 tablespoons of yarrow, Bay them for a half hour a small amount of boiling water. Then cook and mash the pulp of fresh or frozen berries cranberries. Soak a piece of bandage in the decoction and wrap it in cranberry pulp. Apply the lotion to the scratch, hold it for 40 minutes and then just bandage the wound. Perform the procedure once per day.
Good promotes healing of wounds and scratches oil of dandelions. To make it loosely arrange the flowers in a glass bowl and fill to the top with sunflower oil. Soak 40 minutes in a water bath and leave for another day. Strain, press, and process the received oil to the scratch.
If you scraped the foot or the hand, dip it in the infusion of poplar. To prepare it, fill the branches of the black poplar with hot water and let it cook gently for a bit. When the infusion has cooled slightly, you can begin to immerse the injured limb.
Minor wound or scratch will heal freshly squeezed beet juice. Wash, grate and squeeze the juice. Treat the wound soaked in the juice bandage. Then attach the scratch soaked in the juice pad and secure it, making a blindfold. Remove it after 20 minutes. If necessary, treat the scratch several times a day.