You will need
  • Clean water, soap, hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin, manganese, Zelenka, iodine, manganese, antiseptic, plasters, bandages, cotton wool
Wash the area of skin scrape under running cold water with soap. If the wound is bleeding, it to use the soap is not necessary. Slight scratches treat with hydrogen peroxide, an antiseptic solution. Deep scratches can be cleaned with a weak solution of manganese or furatsilina.
The edges of the wound oil the natural antiseptic iodine or green paint. In any case, do not smear the wound itself, that is, the part where blood drips. So to mechanical damage to the skin is added to a chemical burn.
If scratches and abrasions occupy a large surface area, apply a bandage with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drug — solution or ointment. If the scratch is small enough to seal it with adhesive tape to prevent secondary infections or to keep open. So she heals much more quickly. If the wound is deep, it is better to bandage it with a sterile bandage.
The scratches , the child is better to close with a bandage or band-aid anyway. Children often play in the sand, allowed boats in puddles, playing on the ground or in dust. In such circumstances, even a small wound can become a gateway for infection. Furthermore, the baby will be less tempted to scratch pagevalue scratch under the bandage when the crust begins to pull the skin, and appear itchy.
If the cause of the scratches was glass or wooden object, the wound may be left with a splinter or a sliver. Rinse thoroughly and inspect the wound to determine the presence of a foreign body. If the scratch is long healed, the skin around it is red, oozing pus — it is better to consult a doctor. Foreign body sooner or later will come out on its own, but such wounds will remain an ugly scar.