What is worms?

In total there are about 12 thousand species of worms, 2000 of which can live and reproduce in the human body. Most often they affect the bowel, but there are species that live in the muscles, heart, lungs and brain.

Sometimes the disease proceeds without symptoms. But most of the people are manifested, for example, neuropsychiatric disorders. Worms constantly produce toxins that cause sleep disturbance, outbursts of anger, fatigue.

Also a symptom of worms are considered to be abdominal pain and irregular bowel movement. It is also possible to either increase or decrease appetite.

Because worms can worsen chronic diseases. And placed they can not only in the diseased organ, but also in any other.

Be infected with worms through soil, water and vegetables. Some species of worms inhabit the flesh of fish and animals, therefore, before their use in food should be subjected to heat treatment. Cats and dogs can also infect humans with Ascaris.

Herbs, contributing to the treatment of worms

One of the known plants for the treatment of intestinal worms is garlic. To remove parasites from the body and also to prevent should be included in daily diet one clove of garlic. In addition, for the treatment of you can buy this plant in capsule form or tablets. Such drugs are sold in specialty stores and in some pharmacies.

Also an indispensable plant in the prevention and treatment of worms is ginger. It is necessary to include in the diet, adding in various dishes. Daily allowance is half a teaspoon.

Another herb seasoning, contributing to the treatment of worms, is the rosemary. As a rule, it is added to dishes of vegetables and meat. To prevent and eliminate the parasites eat the food half a teaspoon of the plant.

Chamomile also helps to eliminate parasites and the advantage of that, cleanses the gastro-intestinal tract. It is very simple to include in the diet - it's enough to drink one Cup of tea based on the plant daily.

The plant called Angelica, contains chemical compounds with antihelminthic activity. In addition, it eases some of the symptoms stay worms in the human body, for example abdominal pain. But pregnant women and people with diabetes, use it is contraindicated.

For many years as a cure for worms, people have used wormwood. You can take the liquid extract, capsules or decoction of this plant.