You will need
  • - pumpkin seeds;
  • any laxative;
  • - milk;
  • - garlic;
  • - castor oil;
  • - brandy;
  • - wormwood or tansy flowers;
  • - carrot;
  • - "Praziquantel";
  • - "Pyrantel" or "Albendazole".
To get rid of the worms, take 300g of pumpkin seeds. Clean them from the hard shell, but do not remove the light green film covering the seeds. Eat pumpkin seeds in the morning on an empty stomach and wash down with their glass of warm milk. After 2 hours take any laxative (2 pills Regulates", 1 to 2 tablets of Bisacodyl"), and another 1.5-2 hours take a cleansing enema. The whole procedure will repeat in the next 2 days.
Eat 10 cloves of garlic in the morning on an empty stomach and wash down them with a glass of milk. After 2 hours, drink any laxative. The treatment lasts 3-5 days. Do not use this method of treatment if you suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Take a mixture of brandy and castor oil in for 2-3 days at night. For mixing pre-heat 80g of castor oil to 36° C and pour it into 80 ml of the skate. Stir and quickly drink big gulps before bed.
Take pomegranate peel, grind it and pour 150 ml of boiling water. The resulting broth strain and drink in the morning on an empty stomach in 3 divided doses for 1.5 hours. After 3-4 hours take any laxative. A decoction of the pomegranate used in getting rid of any kind of worms.
Prepare a decoction of the flowers of tansy or wormwood tsitvarnaya. 1 tbsp herbs pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and put the mixture on a low heat for 10-15 minutes. Broth strain, cool to 38° C and enter the intestine in the form of an enema 1 time per day. After the introduction of the broth should hold in the gut at least 5 minutes. This method is suitable for getting rid of roundworms (pinworms, Ascaris, etc.).
For the treatment of young children 3 tbsp grated carrots boil in a glass of milk. Give your child the resulting slurry 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day during the week.
Use medicines. For getting rid of tapeworms (beef tapeworm, broad tapeworm, etc.) take "Praziquantel". The daily dose is 75 mg per kilogram of your weight. Take the medication once, repeat admission within 10 days. Children up to 4 years "Praziquantel" is contraindicated.
For getting rid of roundworms takePyrantel" for 1-7 days. The duration of treatment depends on the type of helminth. The dose for children 6 months-2 years is 62.5 mg, 2-6 years — 125 mg, 6-12 years — 250 mg, 12-15 years — 375 mg, from 15 years and adults — 10 mg per kilogram. "Pyrantel" should be replaced with "Albendazole". His take 400 mg, from 1 to 20 days. Children up to 2 years the drug is contraindicated.