Print at the top of the page: "the Order of allowance". Below, put the sequence number in this document, and below, on the left side of the worksheet, enter the date of the order.
Specify the city and the name of the order. For example, the name can be as follows: "On the formation of the Commission for establishing differentiated bonuses and allowances".
Give a reason for the allowance or on what basis such an order is created. For example: "On the basis of resolution of the government of Moscow dated March 30, 2001, No. 543" or "On the basis of the Regulations of the Commission on review of establishing allowances to employees." Next, specify the name of the company, the name of the document on which the decision was taken overhead and its date.
Type the word "command" in large letters on the left side of the document and put the colon. Next, write what premiums should be charged to earnings. In this case, mark the position of employees who rely on these charges, and the size of the allowances. Then specify what day, month and year these charges will come into force. For example:

"ORDER: the Heads of the district departments of the company from November 11, 2011:
1) Set all young professionals for five years an additional payment of 30 percent of their salary. With young professionals having a diploma with honors, to establish a surcharge in the amount of 45 percent of their salary.
2) Other employees who are awarded the honorary title, set a monthly incentive allowance of 20 percent of their salary.
3) to Assign control of execution of this order to the Deputy Director of the firm (specify the name of the company) of the city of Moscow Pivovarova K. I."
Write on the left side of the document, who was adopted by this order. For example: "the Director of the company (specify company name) T. I. Trunin". Next should be signed by the aforementioned person.
Secure document printing. However, she needs to be put near the signature of the chief or Director.