Decide who in the company is responsible for the introduction. Often it is an employee of the Department of personnel management and the Secretary or clerk. The first introduces the employees, orders on staff. It orders on admission, transfer, move, leave, promotion and compensation, etc. it must be Done within 3 working days. Record of familiarization is done below the signature of the head: this is the personal signature of employee, date of examination.
The Secretary acquaints the employees with the orders on the main activities of the enterprise. So, for example, it is necessary to familiarize involved workers with the orders on the establishment of various commissions, about carrying out inspections, the introduction of new regulations, etc. If educate is subject to a large number of persons permitted to issue it on a separate sheet – Annex to the order. It must be mentioned that this list "the reference to the order dated 17.06.2009 g No. 196". The rest of the requirements are the same – the familiar signature of employee and date of review.
There are situations when to comply with this requirement can be difficult. For example, if employees work and live much far from enterprise management, or the employee refuses the reference to the order, it is impossible to find for review, etc. so, how to get out of the situation, if the structural subdivision situated in another locality? In this case there is a need for remote methods of information transfer. This may be email, Fax, and departmental mission. Responsible for getting orders in this case falls on the shoulders of the leaders of remote divisions.
In the same case where the employee refuses the examination, the act of refusal to sign the order. Must comply with two mandatory conditions: the refusal, the worker must Express clearly and in the presence of several persons; the certificate is signed by not less than three witnesses. The order is relevant record.

The most complicated case arises when the employee goes to work, does not respond to phone calls and missing place of residence. The employer must use every opportunity to find for the employee and to immediately send him a letter.
If the employee did not come to review the order, it is not treated as a denial and cannot be handled by the act.