In order to regain a clean skin without a tan, you can turn to folk remedies, as it always naturally and safely. Of course, their effectiveness will be less than the salon, but after several procedures, the effect will already be noticeable.

First, to get rid of unwanted tan will help potatoes. It is necessary to grind the raw potatoes. Then together with the juice apply slurry to the necessary sites of a body. Effect after the procedure will be visible after a few applications.

Secondly, in getting rid of sun will help the lemon, or rather its juice. But keep in mind that for dry and sensitive skin, this tool is not suitable, because it can cause irritation, redness and rash. You need to mix a small amount of lemon juice with tomato juice or cucumber. You can additionally add yogurt. The most striking effect is obtained by connecting all components in one mask.

Thirdly, in a struggle with a tan can help a simple cucumber, as it is a natural Brightener for the skin. To do this, simply cleanse the skin. However, before the procedure it is necessary to carefully wash and use a facial scrub for better removal of excess fat from the skin.

Fourthly, quite well to get rid of sunburn ordinary bath. Enough once a week to visit there and the effect will not keep itself waiting. However, it is worth considering contraindications cardiovascular diseases, blood pressure problems, individual intolerance to high temperatures.

In addition to folk remedies of getting rid of sunburn, there are professional cosmetic products. This set of scrubs for the face and body, as well as any cosmetic products that contain abrasive particles. They not only help to get rid of the tan, but will produce a beneficial effect on the skin, as they improve blood circulation and effectively cleanse the skin. However, it is worth remembering that these funds should be individually selected for a specific skin type in order not to hurt her.