For those who for any reason does not use to perform banking transactions personal account in the Internet, the easiest way to know the card details is a trip to a branch of the savings Bank with the passport and the card. Contact the teller of the Bank, and he will give you a printout of account statements for any particular period, and the printout will appear and the account number. A printout of the details of the card or account you can ask for in a few instances.
The details of the card and without recourse to a Bank. This can be done with the help of ATM or terminal of the savings Bank. Inserting a plastic card into the card slot, the menu find the section "Regional payments", then go to the "Information services" and find the "card Details". It remains only to print a sheet with the details.
Advanced Internet users know the details of the card will be the easiest and less time consuming. For this you need to enter your personal account Sberbank online using ID and password. Click right button of mouse on the desired card. Then you will see 3 tabs, choose the "Information card". But that's not all. Small, grey, barely noticeable letters will be designated the coveted tab "transfer Details on the score card". This is your coveted button. Click it and burn or print the card details.
Without leaving home you can learn the details of the card, call support service of the savings Bank at the phone number 8 (800) 555 55 50. The only obstacle to this method may become your forgetfulness. The fact that the operator will give you information only if you call a code word that we invented for making the card in the Bank. If the word called is not, then the information on the phone Bank you give too much.
Savers are rewarded handsomely because they will be able to know the card details from the documents obtained from the registration card. This can be a contract that the Bank employee transmits to the holder of the debit card. The card details are specified in the contract, necessarily.