Lock the credit card in the moment when you need it is always a nuisance. However, it should be remembered that this procedure was introduced in the first place, in the interests of the clients themselves, in order to keep their funds safe.

If the reason for blocking the card of VTB24 was the incorrect pin code three times in a row, in one day, the customer is given the opportunity again to test your memory and try again to enter the right combination of numbers. In this case, the map rasplachivaetsya automatically without visiting the Bank.

Emergency unlock card VTB24 is free, Russia hot line: 8-800-700-24-24. Clients of VTB24 is recommended to drive this number into the phone in case of loss of the card – this number can automatically lock the plastic card. To unlock the card, you will need to give name, number, passport series, information about when and by whom was issued, subdivision code. To ensure that communication is really the Bank's customer, the operator may ask you to call the last operation on the map with approximate times.

In addition, you can unlock the map at the nearest VTB24 Bank branch. The procedure must provide a passport.