How to find a person on the Internet

Use all possible Internet search engines to find a person by surname, name and patronymic. If you know where is person, add the words search the name of city or other locality. Quite effectively to complement the phrase appellation of place of work or study of man. If you're lucky, among the search results will link to the website of the one who you want. It is not uncommon to find ads with contact information that was posted on the Internet.

Quite effective to search for a person by surname, name and patronymic through social networks: "Vkontakte", "Classmates", Facebook and others. Even if you are not registered in any of them, the link to the profile can appear in the results returned by search engines of the Internet. However, by signing up in social networks, you will get more opportunities. Using the internal search algorithm, enter all the information: name, surname, patronymic, age, city, etc. Even if you can't find the right person, likely to find his relatives or friends. You can access them via private messages and ask about where the person you are looking for.

How to find a person in the city

Read the latest edition of the local telephone directories and address books. Maybe you'll get lucky and you'll quickly learn where you need people.

Post free ads on looking for somebody in the local Newspapers, magazines and other publications. Some of them allow you to post information free of charge. You can also use free classified ads website ("Avito", "hand in hand"), where it is possible to appeal to residents of a certain settlement.

If the man was gone suddenly, and you fear for his life, contact one of the offices of the police and write a statement about the loss, saying employees detailed physical description of missing person and details of his disappearance. Alternatively, you can contact the local.

Gather a group of volunteers and organize searches in those places where often been missing. Find out the addresses of the nearest relatives and friends of the person, call them on the phone or visit in person. As a rule, carefully and efficiently carried out searches yield positive results.