You will need
  • - name and surname of the person;
  • - additional data for search (address, place of work, etc.);
  • computer or phone with Internet access;
  • account in one of social networks.
Try to find a person by name via the social network. If you don't know exactly which site can be a registered user, select the social network depending on its age. For example, the site "Vkontakte" was mostly young people under the age of 30-35 years. The social network "Classmates" are people already older and older, and the website Facebook is mostly international and through it, you can try to find friends abroad.
Sign up in the appropriate social network and navigate to the search bar. Specify the appropriate data to find a person by name and surname. For a more effective search, enter additional information, for example, city of residence, age, place of study or work. If you find the right person, he can send a message or contact other available means through the contacts page.
If you are unable to find someone this way, try to contact the users of the social network, which can be associated with it: relatives of a surname, friends, colleagues who you know, etc. They can tell you how to get in touch with the right person.
You can try to find a person by name using popular Internet search engines: Yandex, Google, etc. the Chances of finding what you need in this case is small, but you can also add additional criteria: first name, city, work place and others. Perhaps this man wrote to the news sites, it may be a private network share or even a business on the Internet. Also quite a large number of people placed on the available resources your resume, register on Dating sites etc.
Use one of the special sites for people search go to you can search engines. On these sites visitors, extensive database, help you to find a person by name free. Enter in the designated fields all the information you have and look at the suggested search results. It is important to avoid resources requiring pre-write your personal data or register by phone: they can be fraudulent.