Indications and properties

Ointment "Levomekol" is used for the treatment of purulent wounds of different origin, including for the treatment of wounds infected with a mixed microflora in the necrotic phase. The drug is used in posleoperazionny period for therapy nezazivath wounds. Also the tool is used in the treatment of burns 2 and 3 degrees of severity, inflammatory skin diseases, trophic ulcers, boils.

Active components of drug "Treatment" are chloramphenicol and methyluracil. Antibiotic chloramphenicol against pathogenic bacteria, stopping their development and livelihoods. Methyluracil has immunomodulatory effects, promotes tissue regeneration and eliminates inflammatory processes.
Due to its composition "Levomekol" retains antibacterial activity even in the presence of purulent formations.

Usage instructions

For preparation used sterile gauze. They are impregnated with ointment, and then fill them the wound. Napkins should not be placed tightly, content should be "loose". In purulent cavity ointment injected through the catheter with a syringe. The drug in this case must be preheated to a temperature of 35-36°C.

In the treatment of cuts, boils and pimples ointment applied on gauze or cotton and priklepyvayut to the inflamed place and, if necessary, fixing the cloth patch. The drug should be used daily until the wound is completely free from necrotic lesions. Bandages need to be changed as purulent masses – once a day or more often.


Ointment do not use in case of hypersensitivity to its components in psoriasis and fungal infections of the skin. Pregnant women the drug can be used for a short period of time and on small surfaces. When using the ointment during lactation, breastfeeding should be suspended.
In rare cases, when using the ointment may be allergic reaction.


Use the ointment during the postoperative period promotes effective healing of sutures. Including notes the effectiveness of "Levomecol" in case of divergence of seams. The drug promotes the "pulling" of pus, tissue healing, and disinfects the wound, which is also important in the presence of necrotic formations.

According to reviews, "nasal spray" helps in the treatment of boils, Kireev and acne is ointment good outputs purulent mass, after using this tool there are no scars and scar formations. The drug is also effective in the treatment of burns, cuts and other damage to the skin and tissues, accompanied by purulent inflammation.