The monastery was founded at what is now known in these parts as the "German farm", where during the great Patriotic war was located camp for prisoners of war. Officially, the decision about the establishment of the monastery, the Holy Synod adopted in the spring of 2005, but construction began in 2002, which was at that time – a wooden Lodge, where they lived four nuns, and two tents for the workers. For 2011, we built 4 churches, a four-story private building, school, workshops, and the number of nuns reached 300. To build a monastery such terms can be called a record.

The Icon Of The Mother Of God

The monastery is dedicated to the mother of God "sporitelnitsa bread." It was written in 1890 and is notable for its unconventional iconography of such images of the mother of God was not. The mother of God is depicted without a baby, sitting on the clouds with out-stretched in a gesture of blessing hands. At bottom compressed field with sheaves.

St. Ambrose of Optina gave the title icon "sporitelnitsa bread", thereby emphasizing that the mother of God helps Christians not only in spiritual but also in the earthly labors.

In honor of this icon and monastery established. The earth works of the monastic community numerous. The monastery has his farm, including cattle, apiary. Those who had the opportunity to dine in the dining room of the monastery, the claim that curds and honey of local production is simply superb.

And of course there is no shortage of charitable Affairs. The nuns contain and educate orphans and abandoned children, caring for someone with cancer, carry them in a special medical center. One of the nuns, employees now in the convent, initially got there as such, without any hope for a cure, but in the monastery were healed.

Miracles Sredneuralskaya convent

The realities of the modern world at least just have to wait for miracles. But in Sredneuralskaya convent so there is a Divine presence that miracles don't seem to be something unnatural.

The miracles began in the construction phase. The salaries of the builders were paid for through donations. One day the Abbot came seriously ill woman who needed expensive treatment, and the Abbot gave her all the money intended for payment of wages to workers. And the next day came a rich man and made a large donation – and working safely has paid off. Someone sees in this a mere coincidence, and someone – God's Providence.

A remarkable case of a teenage girl named Olga. The girl's parents brought to the monastery in the last stage of cancer, she could no longer walk or even sit up. While in the monastery, the girl vowed to the Mother of God, what will become a nun in the case of healing. Soon, her condition miraculously improved, she began to walk and even run. Came friend, began to dissuade her from taking the vows, and Olga yielded to the entreaties of relinquishing his vow, left, and soon returned to a more serious condition. Olga took a monastic vow under the name Anna and died shortly afterwards. In his suicide letter, she wrote that thank God for the disease and no one wanted to change destiny.

But the most important miracle Sredneuralskaya convent – the atmosphere of true love, which everyone who gets there. Indeed, in such places, it seems that the Sky becomes closer.