Two first heat it is better to skip and knit the third. The spacing between chutes all cats are different, usually is 15-25 days, but sometimes there are cats that run 1-2 times per year. The average duration of estrus is 6-8 days. The recommended age for the first mating – 1.5-2 years.
According to the rules of most clubs to knit a cat must go through the exhibition and to residences assessment. Cats usually don't have to give birth to kittens more than 3 times within two years. The cat must be vaccinated against major infectious diseases, and this should be reflected in its veterinary passport. Obtaining vaccination must be no later than a year before the planned mating and not earlier than one month before her. 7 days before mating cat must be degelmintization.
How to determine the heat? Cats before the heat start to become anxious: by rubbing up against furniture, on the feet of the master, purr, be overly affectionate and require attention. If a cat starts to shake the tail when stroking her back, and she starts to touch the hind legs is also a sign of incipient estrus.
It is not necessary to knit a cat on the eve of the heat, it's better to do 2-3 days. Usually the cat is taken to the cat. If you do the opposite, not every cat will cover a cat in an unfamiliar environment. Only a very experienced and courageous cat will be decided on the pairing, but before that he will generously mark all the corners in your apartment. Since the cat will be out of the house for a few days, then you need to take along with her a tray, litter, bowls for food and water. The cat needs to go to stud are clean, healthy, well-groomed, with clean ears, eyes and manicured nails and, of course, be free of fleas and ticks.
Usually knit animals occurs without human intervention. One only has to take into account several points that may arise. For example, on foreign soil in cats can happen the stress, it will start to get nervous, become aggressive, or depressed. In this state she can not let the cat in. Sometimes owners may mistakenly identify the behavior of cats in estrus. In this case, the cat may not show any interest to this lady, go to sleep quietly in her presence or even scared her. Unlike the owner of the cat feels instantly flowing cat or no. If a cat is really in heat, the cat quickly excited and with loud cries announced that he is ready to mate.
If everything went well: the cat became interested, and the cat shows no signs of aggression, it is possible to leave the animals alone. To determine which binding took place, the behavior of cats. Every time after the mating ritual the cat is in pain, beats the cat with a paw in the face. Experienced cats in such moments are quickly removed to a safe distance and wait until the cat calms down. When the pain subsides, the cat starts to lick itself and then begins to roll on the floor.
During the day, the cat can cover cat 10-15 times. This number depends on the nature and health of the cat. After performing its duties, the cat loses interest in the cat, since this eliminates the smell that attracted his attention. Unlike the cat the cat for several days can continue to ask the cat but that does not mean that it is not tied. Usually on the sixth week after mating, the cat owner may feel the movement of the kittens in the belly of the cat. If the cat is not pregnant, and she again began flowing, it could mean that binding occurred later than scheduled. Usually pregnancy in cats lasts 64-70 days from the second day of mating. Kittens in a litter can be from one to six.