Ticks are different

In total there are about 160 varieties of these nasty insects. And they are divided into two types: Demodex mites (those that live and thrive beneath the skin) and ticks (those that prefer to settle on the skin surface).

And those and others not only parasitic, but are activators and vectors of many diseases.

How to recognize a parasite

Ticks do not jump or fly. Contrary to popular belief they do not live on trees and not climb on the bushes to ambush its prey. Mites live in the grass. Parasites feel the carbon dioxide emitted warm-blooded. Remoras clinging to clothing or bag tick might bring in the house and the owner of the animal. And then wonder at the vet, they say, "we and the forest - don't go".

During periods of activity of ticks, in June and August-September, conduct a routine inspection of the animal after each outing.

Favorite places of these parasites: behind the ears, on the paws, neck and groin. Napivshiysya blood mite strongly inflated, to the size of a thumb nail. You may be puzzling that the wart with hairs appeared at the pet? And it's a tick.


Many people mistakenly focus on the humidity of the nose to determine the condition of the animal. It is not an indicator. The temperature can be very high, and the nose will still stay moist.

Important! The sooner you start treatment, the more likely that the pet will not suffer much from the tick bite. Therefore, carefully observe the behavior of furry friend.

Apathy, loss of appetite, and drowsiness - that's a sure sign that animals have something wrong. Veterinarians say that in recent time, the consequences of a tick bite are much heavier, adding new symptoms such as cough.

Disease and treatment

The otodectosis or ear mange.Occurs when the parasite lives inside the ear. The vital functions of the insect causes itching, so the animal starts to behave restlessly. Constantly trying to lean against something and rubbing the ears, shakes his head. From scratching the ears appear wounds and abrasions, be area of partial baldness. If no measures are taken, soon the ears may leak pus. In severe disease can reach up to deafness and brain damage.

Demodekoz.They often suffer from dogs. The mite causing this disease may parasitize on the human. Demodicosis is accompanied by severe forms of dermatitis that cause real animal suffering. Advanced cases lead to the defeat of the internal organs and a General depletion of the animal. Such a condition is considered life-threatening.

Piroplasmosis. It is an infection that is transferred by ticks. It flows very difficult: there is a high temperature, swelling of extremities, sometimes cough. The animal refuses to eat. Without specific treatment, the mortality from infection reaches 98%. But if timely treatment of piroplasmosis is curable. Unfortunately, immunity to it is not produced. Piroplasma remain in the blood and manifest themselves as soon as the immune system weakens. The threat that this disease affects the liver. And determine that the eye does not.

Strengthen prevention

There is a vaccine against piroplasmosis, but, unfortunately, in Russia it is rare, and is expensive.

In General, tools that protect against tick bites, quite a lot. This special shampoos, powders, collars, sprays, drops on the withers. Most veterinarians recommend a combination of any two funds, for example, the collar drops.

Important! All of these products are very toxic. Therefore, strictly follow the instructions for use.

The latest developments include the medallions with pulsed ultrasound. Statistics show that they are effective. But, unfortunately, they are not certified in the Russian market, so their use is not guaranteed safe.

How to remove a tick

If you found the pet parasite, carefully remove it. You can use a pair of tweezers. It is necessary to pull very carefully so head came off and left inside, it can lead to infection. When you pull turn the insect clockwise.

In the store you can buy a special device for removing ticks. It is small in size and allows you to gently remove the insect entirely.

To destroy mites, too, need the rules. The fact that they do not sink in water and practically dried. They can not just crush, it can lead to spread of infection. It is best to drown the tick in a vodka or to burn in a closed container.