In the calculation of the adult cat, dial the spokes on thirty-six loops, and knit thirty-two rows. The first three rows of tie ordinary rubber band, and then continue knitting stitch the front. Thirty-third row start subtraction – promazyvaya at least two loops together, reducing the number of loops in the fabric to twenty-four.
Provarite ten centimeters of the blade and the last three rows as the first, tie a simple rubber band. Now go from tummy knitting to the knitting of the back – dial on the spokes of the fifty-six loops and provarite thirty-two rows front surface.
Thirty-third row begin to diminish the loop. Take loop two or three rows, and then bind the cloth in seven inches and provarite three rows of elastic. Sew the bottom and the top part of the sweater together, knit stitch.
Such a sweater may seem to many owners of short – however, it does not restrict movement of the cat, and if you want to lengthen it, increase accordingly the number of loops. Choose a knitting yarn thin enough that the sweater was lightweight and did not restrict the activity of cat.
In this sweater, your cat will not be afraid of winter frosts and you will not have problems with transporting cats in the city in the winter time – for example, in the case of having to visit the vet.