Usually, the preparations of iron prescribed for anemia caused by deficiency of this element in the body, which, in turn, is a result of chronic bleeding. They accompany diseases such as peptic ulcer disease, tumors, hemorrhoids, erosive gastritis, diverticulosis of the bowel, endometriosis, prolonged and heavy menstruation, uterine bleeding and uterine fibroids. Also iron deficiency anemia cause of bleeding from the nose and lungs, kidney stones, kidney cancer and bladder cancer, donation, pyelonephritis and so on.
Also iron supplements should be taken with increased the body's need for iron, which occurs in sports, excessive physical activity, intensive growth of children, pregnancy and lactation. Assign them with impaired absorption of iron, accompanying chronic enteritis, resection of small intestine or amyloidosis and malabsorption syndrome. Iron preparations should not be taken with drugs that reduce their absorption (antacids, tetracycline, levomicetinom and calcium drugs).
One of the most effective iron supplements is "Aktiferrin" and its analogs "Hemofer", "Personal", "Use", "Totem", "Ferrlecit", "Heteral", "Ferronat", "Terrordome and Ferroplant-APO". Well and drugs such as "Gamehelper", "Durules", "Ferroplex", "Perlatum", "Excellent", "ferrum Lek", "Monier", "ferry", "Aflubin", "Dextradeur and Permed".
The absorption of iron supplements can be improved with the help of citric and succinic acids, and of sorbitol - so in conjunction with them hematologists recommended to take copper, cobalt and vitamins a, C, E, B1 and B6, which significantly accelerate the production of hemoglobin. Iron preparations are best consumed between meals, as salt, alkali and acids contained in foods can create with iron compounds which do not dissolve in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the food is able to reduce the concentration of iron taken orally.