The easiest way to reduce the nose is the application of different cosmetics. Of course, this method does not affect the actual size of the body, but it will allow you to visually make it smaller. The disadvantage of this method is that it requires constant application of cosmetics that may cause some inconvenience. The main advantages are its painlessness and safety.
If you want to correct a wide nose, apply a lighter shade of makeup on the nose and darker on the wings. To reduce the length of the nose a dark shade you want to put on the end of it. To adjust the size of the entire nose, concealer dark shade should be applied on the entire surface. After applying the cosmetics need a little shade. Otherwise, you can only aggravate the situation.
Another way to reduce the nose without surgery, is a special charging. It should be noted that the implementation of different exercises allows you to affect the size and shape of this body, but this process will take a lot of time. On average, to achieve tangible results need to perform the exercises every day 3 times a day for 2-3 months. Remember, when you stop to do exercises for the nose, it will gradually return to their former size and shape. Therefore, to consolidate the results, perform these procedures at least 1 time a day.
When you exercise, be careful and act gently. If you will be excessive pressure on your nose, you can damage it or to cause bleeding. So, put your hands on a moisturizing lotion or soak them with water. If you want your nose has become thinner, shrink the nose a little below the eyebrows with your thumb and forefinger. Slowly and smoothly move the fingers down to the tip of the nose, pressing on the cartilage. The pressure should be significant but not excessive. Repeat 20 to 50 times.
If you want the tip of your nose was raised up, put on upper lip with the index finger and the tip to click on the cartilage that is between the nostrils. Slow but firm motion, move the thumb upwards until it reaches the tip of the nose. Don't forget about proper pressure. This exercise should be repeated 20 to 50 times.
The following exercise also helps to reduce the length of the nose. Back on tip of that index finger. Then press down the tip and lift it as possible. Try to resist the muscles of the nose. This exercise should be repeated at least 15-20 times.
Another method of nose correction is the use of special drugs. With the help of injections to deal with the asymmetric portions and irregularities of the nose. In these cases, using a special tool, softening the cartilage and giving you the opportunity to correct them. The whole procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The main disadvantage of this method is its temporality: the period of action of the drug is limited to 2-3 years.