Preparing the breast for breastfeeding should start during pregnancy, long before birth. First of all, should pay attention to the nipples. Earlier, in Soviet times, pregnant women doctors recommended to RUB the nipples with coarse cloth. However, nipples can be cracked and might lead to infection. And therefore it is better to avoid such method of preparation.
In addition, in preparation for breast-feeding should not soften the nipple cream. Female breast self-produces natural lubrication. So the cream to soften the nipple is the only method to profit upon the gullibility moms. A special ointment is required only if the feeding process there are cracks in the nipple. This ointment is prescribed by a doctor.
So, how to prepare the nipples for breastfeeding. First of all, you need to determine their shape. It is quite simple. Standing in front of a mirror with bare Breasts, place two fingers – thumb and index – opposite each other on the edges of the areola. Without moving your fingers, squeeze them and see how different your nipple. Same action repeat with the other breast. If your nipples are stretched, so they are great for feeding.
It is possible that one nipple stretched out, and the second was flat, hiding deep into the breast. This situation may indicate that the nipples are quite suitable for feeding. However, it sometimes happens that the "flat" became both nipples. This provision is desirable to determine in the period of pregnancy. In any case, you will have the opportunity to fix it.
If you find that you have "flat" nipples, you'd rather have a lining for the formation of nipples. These products can be bought in a pharmacy. Such overlays constitute the silicone caps, which are available with slotted hole for pulling the nipple. Dress up these products on the areola. Wearing pads for a few weeks before childbirth and for 20-30 minutes before feeding during the first weeks of lactation will help to correct the shape of the nipple, avoiding many problems.
For feeding it is best to have a special bra, which should start wearing until birth. These bras differ in the composition of the fiber, and cut. They allow you to get access to the nipple without unfastening and removing linen, perfectly support the breast in the feeding process, have wide straps. But most importantly, bras for breastfeeding women is 90% composed of natural fibers. As the tissue that is at the point of contact with the areola, is used 100% cotton.
When choosing a nursing bra you need to make sure that it is not available even soft bones. They can pinch milk ducts, which can cause stagnation of milk and mastitis even. The seams in this bra should be flat, also they don't have to go through the line of the nipple.