To find out the address by name the person, living in Ukraine, please refer to the appropriate database. Very convenient search of Ukrainian addresses and phone numbers provided on the website If you are looking for a person from the CIS countries, we can also use the portal On both sites the search ' can be produced for free.
Sorry, wanted to change their place of residence, and the base may be outdated information. In this case, looking for a man in Ukraine, you can contact the passport office of the city where lived previously. However, in this case, you will need to prove their relationship. Otherwise, you may provide information about the address unless you have your friends, no passport expiry.
Find address of a person in Ukraine, please contact the Russian Embassy in your country or the Embassy of Ukraine in Russia. However, it is necessary to prove that you are relatives. You can visit the Embassy lysychne or send a query mail. Perhaps the appeal by e-mail, however, the probability that your letter will get lost among thousands of others. The request must specify all the available information on wanted person: surname name, patronymic, date of birth, the alleged city of residence, attach documents confirming kinship.
If you are unable to help neither the Embassy nor the passport office, you can use the popular social network. For example, you can register on the website Vkontakte, post your ad on wanted person in the Ukrainian popular groups with their data and photo (if possible). Ask the census message to your friends and caring people. The chain of people, United by one goal - amazing power. Will you be able to find the address of someone in Ukraine by name, depends on how competently you will be your message as well and ask for help. So be persuasive and polite, don't forget to tell the reason for the search.