Professional help

If there is such a possibility, of course, the ideal option would be to contact the teacher of the Russian language, to enroll in additional classes or hire a tutor at home. In this case, the teacher will explain the moments that came before this most incomprehensible. In addition, the teacher can create an individual program for each specific your student with the time that is allotted to a repetition of the rules.

A big plus in work with as a teacher is that you don't have to try to discover your mistakes that will help much faster to correct them. At the same time will always be the one to consult.

Professional literature

For anybody not a secret that the most effective learning of the Russian language at hand, you must have a number of dictionaries. You can also use simple textbooks or encyclopedias on the subject, where are detailed all the rules.

By selecting some convenient benefits, you will be able to create their own individual program of repetitions. It is possible to adhere to the following plan:

- define the main problems that you encounter in writing or in oral speech;
- make a list of the most difficult words, prepositions, etc.;
- if possible, write down the basic rules and words to the recorder;
- put in the reps at least half an hour every day;
- pick up literature for further reading;
- every day do written assignment on the rules that are most difficult for you;
before going to sleep repeat all their records and listen to the recorder with the prepared material.

It should be noted that reading is one of the main ways to tighten as pronunciation and grammar of the Russian language. Confined to one reference books and dictionaries, it is not necessary.

Additional resources

To study the Russian language, one should not exclude the use of Internet sources. Thanks to the convenient selection of knowledge bases and the possibilities of online learning, you can not only pull, but as much as possible to improve their spelling and pronunciation. Also come to the aid of electronic dictionaries, which are always handy to carry and repeat the words, for example, in the subway on the way to the University.

Professional resources will help you not only strengthen your knowledge but also to understand the peculiarities of Russian grammar. For example, on the website you can find tutorials on the subject, participate in contests and competitions, and to develop listening comprehension.