The eyelid may be sore for several reasons. It is very important to diagnose the disease and start appropriate treatment. Therefore, when the first signs of illness should immediately contact a doctor.


Pain century can cause erysipelas, which is caused by hemolytic Staphylococcus. Herpes zoster is difficult to confuse with any other illness: the patient feels severe pain in the affected areas of the skin, it is red and swollen, later it appear typical herpetic vesicles. Boil and barley have similar symptoms: in both cases, the skin reddens, thickens and inside this swelling discern purulent contents. Abscess most commonly affects the upper eyelid, causing pain in the affected area of the skin and head.

Cellulitis eyelid or the lacrimal SAC most often develops on the background of inflammation and infection with pyogenic microbes. Conjunctivitis can also hurt the eyes causing profuse tearing and pus. This condition as well as injuries, entropion century and dacryocyst can lead to the development of ulcers of the cornea.

What to do

In the first place to go to the doctor. First aid can include rinsing brewed black tea, or solution of boric acid (1 teaspoon per Cup of boiled water). After the skin is dry, sore eyelid can be treated with green with castor oil or hydrocortisone ointment. To remove the swelling and relieve the suffering of the patient will help lotions from ice and easy wiping frozen cubes. Have high effectiveness in compresses and lotions made from grated potatoes, and a mask of melted paraffin.

In this situation can help and herbs. A good anti-inflammatory effect have flowers of chamomile, sage, calendula and others. Need to brew the herb as directed on the box with the tool, to wet in part of a cotton ball and apply to the affected eyelid for 10-15 minutes. To treat a stye at home: mix one teaspoon of honey with one teaspoon of flour. The resulting pellet to impose on a sick eyelid, fix a bandage and leave overnight. Morning from the barley will not be over. Conjunctivitis and other diseases associated with pus ointment will help with antibiotic – levomicetina, tetracycline and eritromicina.

In addition, your doctor may prescribe eye drops sulfacetamide that need to be instilled in each eye 4-6 times daily 1-2 drops. Many are treated with heat, for example, is applied to the patient century, a boiled egg or grilled onions. But if the disease is of microbial nature, this is not recommended.