Get higher education in Penza. If to study at universities and institutes you yet, pay attention to colleges and technical schools of the city. One of the oldest educational institutions of Russia is the Penza art College named after Savitsky.
If you think that a good artist because you do not get, consider learning from the regional medical College or Penza engineering College. Of other secondary specialized educational institutions of Penza it is worth mentioning the construction, agricultural, professional-pedagogical, economic and trade colleges.
Study in higher educational institutions of the city. The largest University of city is Penza state University. It is composed of 5 institutes and 9 faculties. Here you can get a degree as an engineer, lawyer or economist. Also here studying the future doctors and the military. Penza pedagogical Institute, which produces teachers, now also part of the University structure.
Among other higher educational institutions of Penza, it is worth noting Penza state University of architecture and civil engineering, Artillery engineering Institute, University of Technology and the Agricultural Academy.
In the city there are branches of Russian universities from other cities. Wishing to become highly skilled financiers can stay in his hometown and trained in the branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. Is, in the Penza branch of Moscow state University of Economics, statistics and Informatics.
Russian state University of information technology and business also has a branch office in Penza. Also, the city has branches of the Moscow Institute of entrepreneurship and law, Moscow University. Witte, Nizhny Novgorod commercial Institute.